Saturday, July 7

Copywriting, SEO press release example

The days of copywriting outsourcing and over-rated copywriters are numbered with the new release of web copywriting course.

Why outsource your next copywriting project to over-priced copywriting gurus when you can do it yourself? You are the only person that knows your product inside out. Are you not the producer? Yes, you know your product more than anyone else! And should be the one to write your own direct marketing advertising sales letter. All you need to do is master the basics of good copywriting techniques (the elements and principles), add your own unique selling proposition or your story angle to your copywriting orchestra.

Mr. Bob Serling has written a step-by-simple-step copywriting course that walks netpreneurs and internet marketers through all the process required to write a winning advertising sales copy. Mr. Bob Seling is not an ivory tower copywriter. He is also a well-known business owner and a marketer.

His power copywriting course is ground-breaking because it teaches both the 'how' and 'why' of persuasive, compelling advertising copy with an emotional tinge. The sales letter copywritng examples are well-chosen, analysed and dissected. No copywriting stone is left unturned. This unique copywriting tutorial x-rays the tactics, tricks, techniques and the copywriting thought pattern behind human nature and sales psychology. This sales letter course teaches you how to write a million dollar advertising sales copy that converts prospects into paying customers.

"As a business owner, when you acquire the skill to write your own sales letter, it is like you acquiring the copywriting skill to write your own pay check on demand. Learning to write your own copywriting sales letter is the greatest communication and profitable skill you can learn as a business own regardless of your chosen business model," says Uzo Onukwugha, the copywriter and business strategist at

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